George Rhoads & Emily Rhoads Johnson
WSKG: 08/14/2011
WSKG: 08/14/2011
Internationally known Painter/sculptor & writer
George Rhoads is a painter, sculptor and creator of dramatic audiokinetic sculptures seen in airports, hospitals, shopping malls, and science museums around the world. His paintings can be seen in The Museum of Modern Art in New York, and The Art Institute of Chicago. His famous ball machines, some two stories high, feature colorful balls that roll, bounce, and swoop down winding tracks, triggering musical sounds along the way.
Emily Rhoads Johnson, a writer, editor and teacher, recently wrote a book about her brother called Wizard at Work: The Life and Art of George Rhoads. She is also the author of three young adult novels: Spring and the Shadow Man, A House Full of Strangers, and Write Me If You Dare.
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